You (Yes You) Are A Felon

Conner joined Pat Ford and The Coalition Talk Radio to discuss his new article on criminal justice reform. In this article Conner discusses the issues with current law and the result: you are a felon and so is everyone else. It’s just a matter of whether the laws you have broken are currently being enforced. Read the whole article here or check out a preview below:
Felons Deserve Rights:
Felons lose their right to vote, their right to bear arms. They lose the right to adopt children, and lose parental rights with their biological children. The ability to travel, the ability to hold some jobs, the ability to live in certain neighborhoods, the ability to serve on a jury, all gone. Imagine losing parental rights as a felon because you brought a cucumber out of the Carolinas. (7 USC §7734(a)(1)(B) & 7 CFR §301.80(b)(12))
The law is complex, and every American is vulnerable to the whims of a complicated and burdensome system.
Even congress cant get wrap their heads around the number of federal crimes they have created. According to an article by FreedomWorks:
“In 2013, the House Over-criminalization Task Force instructed the Congressional Research Service to provide a complete accounting of all federal crimes. The agency, however, was unable to provide the information because, according to Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner, “they lack the manpower and resources to accomplish this task.”