Replace PA’s Defunct General Assistance With Private Funding

Funding for the General Assistance fund will end on August 1, 2019.
The General Assistance fund was a $40Million annual expenditure of cash welfare. The program provided money to roughly 11,000 Pennsylvanians in addiction recovery programs, adult disabled without minor dependents, and domestic violence victims. Supporters believed it was an important safety net. Critics of the program believed it was unchecked and provided money with little oversight. Each recipient of the program received approximately $200 per month.
The program was cut during the 2019 budget process which culminated in a nationally publicized argument in the Senate Chamber over this program.
While there has been much griping over the programs elimination, there has been little discussion about how to assist these individuals moving forward.
General Assistance: A Solution
While government officials continue to bicker – the private sector should step in and render the situation moot. With the national press coverage and public pressure, this situation is the poster child for creating a private sector solution. I am not advocating that a private company administer a charitable giving program, but the creation of a non profit to cover the $40Million shortfall is an easy solution.
For those on the political left, this would solve the crisis of helping those who relied on this assistance program. Lets make sure these 11,000 people receive needed assistance.
For those on the political right, this would be one less government program funded by taxation. Lets demonstrate ways we can solve problems without government.
This feels like an obvious solution, especially because the budget is now signed. The Pennsylvania State Legislature is on summer break and will not return to Harrisburg until late September. Lets make sure this is one topic that does not require partisan bickering.