[redacted] Episode Three: Andy Fowler talks about religion

Published by Conner Drigotas on

Whether you have kids or not, you’re part of bringing up the next generation. The belief systems you practice will have an impact on others, and the consequences of those ripples may not be immediately clear.

So, what choices can we each make to ensure greater health, happiness, and fulfillment? How do we bring about the Good, Beautiful, and True in our lives while helping to facilitate those positive ends for those around us? I sat down with Andy Fowler to learn more about how religion has been helpful as a jumping-off point to greater things.

I was raised Episcopalian, but it didn’t stick. I’m skeptical of any systems with vast one-size-fits-all rules because it runs counter to my understanding of Human Value and lived experience. No two people are the same, so limiting peaceful actions doesn’t make sense. Catholicism suffers from some of the same problems. Power corrupts. This is especially true when considering the natural inevitability of change. Religion can be a wonderful tool for ascendant pursuits, but like any set of guidelines, there is no just power to implement a system on non-consenting persons.

If you get a chance, check out Andy’s new book The Condemned, available on Amazon, as well as his music, award-winning essays, and poetry.

Categories: [redacted]

Conner Drigotas

Conner Drigotas