

Conner’s writing has appeared in the Washington Examiner, Detroit News, Glenn Beck, Concord Monitor, Free the People, and American Spectator, among others.

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WhiskyWarrior556 and Buttegieg

Conner appeared on the Coalition Talk Radio to discuss the case of Alex Booth - screen name Whisky Warrior 556 - and the rising star of Pete Buttegeig in the…

You Are The Solution to Gun Violence

Everyone with a heart for the wellbeing of our friends and neighbors wants to find a solution to gun violence. The current proposals in Pennsylvania and beyond, however, are unrealistic.

Legality and Morality

The noise of the Applebees restaurant around us shrunk to a hum. He knew where this conversation about legality and morality goes. It was awkwardly silent.
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You (Yes You) Are A Felon

Conner joined Pat Ford and The Coalition Talk Radio to discuss his new article on criminal justice reform.

Expressing Gratitude On Your Wedding Day

Expressing gratitude on your wedding day is more than a simple thank you - it takes thought, care, and planning to make sure it happens! Are you prepared?

Felons Deserve Rights

I am probably a felon, and so are you. There are so many laws, too many for even the government to count, and the punishment for being a felon is…