Underscored with Matt Welch and Stephen Kent

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Underscored Episode Description: No one would blame you for throwing your TV out a window at the sight of a Bernie Sanders VS Donald Trump presidential debate. It’s just about as far as the two-party system can go ideologically. Here to discuss the state of the duopoly and the prospects for serious competition from third parties is Matt Welch, Editor at Large of Reason Magazine and Young Voices contributor Conner Drigotas.
Conner joined the Underscored podcast to preview of his article in the Detroit News. Conner is calling for the support of Congressman Justin Amash in his reelection bid.
Justin Amash declared his independence from the GOP on July 4, 2019. Since then he has raised more money than all of his challengers combined. Now, the 2020 election is a test of the Independent tag, and the viability of third party bids for Congress. Previously, Conner covered the saga of Justin Amash leaving the GOP in a few articles:
Justin Amash leaves the GOP as Anti-Partisan Sentiment Grows Nationally (July 4, 2019)
Justin Amash, Now an Independent in Congress, Must Avoid Temptation of the Libertarian Party (July 5, 2019)