Marketing Liberty and Protecting Free Speech on College Campuses

Conner joined the Coalition Talk Radio to discuss how the Libertarian Party can win in digital marketing the 2020 presidential campaign. During the COVID era, digital marketing levels the playing field.
Conner and Pat also briefly discussed the importance of free speech at colleges and universities – and what resources are available for students who have had their rights violated.
As I have written about before, the Libertarian Party has a marketing problem. Following the recent convention, newly selected Vice Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen offered a shirtless statement, undermining his credibility with many voters who are exploring the Libertarian Party ticket for the first time. The LP vote is secure, its time for the candidates to shift their focus and strategy to the rest of America where people are looking for viable, stable, principled, and professional leadership.
In some ways, the message doesn’t matter if no one hears it. I signed up for three email lists 24 hours before this interview: Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen, Republican Donald Trump, and Democrat Joe Biden. My inbox received emails from Joe Biden and Donald Trump in less than ten minutes with specific actions of how I could get involved. That was Wednesday June 3rd. As I write this summary on June 6th, I have still not received an email from the libertarian candidate.
Pat and I also talked briefly about my experience on the losing end of student bias, and why students need to be aided in their pursuit of purpose, not shot down. Not only is it bad policy by schools, its not the role of a professor or college to decide for students what their purpose should be. Read the article about my experience, published by Glenn Beck, here.
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