Debating SB263 On Liberty Block LIVE

I had the chance to debate The Liberty Block editor Elliot Axelman about New Hampshire Senate Bill SB263. Read the bill here. Axelman argues that this bill is anti-liberty, while I argue that this bill advances individual liberty by demanding that government treat all individuals equally. Watch the video here and check out a transcript of my opening statement in the text below.
Governor Chris Sununu and Senate Bill 263.
The governor’s job is to act in defense of liberty. What Sununu did in the case of SB263 was prevent state bureaucrats from defining who gets rights based on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, marital status, familial status, religion, or national origin. He did exactly what he was supposed to do – he maximized liberty from governmental intrusion.
Sununu has an obligation to stand up to political whims. Conservatives in New Hampshire who dislike SB263 are supporting big government instead of individual rights.
Skeptics of big government can’t have it both ways by asking the legislature to carve out special rules for their delicate sensibilities.
This isn’t really about gender identity, this is about individual rights.
Since when do laws stop bad actors? Are you worried about bathroom safety? Whether it is a wall or a stall, bad people will try to do bad things. All of which are already illegal. Are you worried about boys playing girls sports? You should reevaluate whether sports are a good enough reason to let government violate rights to equal treatment.
If you have a problem with these laws that demand equal treatment for people you have options: Go start a private sports league, start a private school, and go be discriminatory there.
I have a lot of issues with the public schools. A bill that treats human beings as equals, however, seems to be a step in the right direction.