Death By A Thousand Cuts: Criminal Justice Reform

Conner Drigotas joined the Brian Nichols Show to talk about the current status of criminal justice reform as a national and state issue.
Death by a thousand cuts is a reference to two things: how people are treated in a complicated and burdensome criminal system, and also how bills designed to mitigate the damages are being destroyed by meddling politicians.
Plea deals, probation, incarceration, and the sheer number of laws on the books. These are all problems Americans are fighting every day.
From “Felons Deserve Rights” by Conner Drigotas
“Felons lose their right to vote, their right to bear arms. They lose the right to adopt children, and lose parental rights with their biological children. The ability to travel, the ability to hold some jobs, the ability to live in certain neighborhoods, the ability to serve on a jury, all gone.”
Criminal justice reform is one of the most important topics in America, and it is a bipartisan issue. The question is will politics once again get in the way of a better country, or can liberty win?