2024: A Brief Look Ahead

In 2024, I’ll be joining the Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity as a Human Respect Fellow.
Here’s the TL;DR of the Principle of Human Respect: “I will neither initiate violence against others, nor diminish the wealth of others through theft, fraud, or destruction of their property.”
I think you should join me in taking that pledge.
Through opeds, speaking engagements and other collaborations, I’ll be exploring how the Principle of Human Respect can increase happiness, harmony, and prosperity.
I’m doing this project in my free time, not replacing my role as Managing Editor at Inside Investigator. We still have a lot of corruption to root out in Connecticut and beyond.
This Fellowship is a collaboration between The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity and Young Voices, an organization I’ve collaborated with before.
I’m especially excited about this opportunity as it builds on and compliments Valuable Acts (2021) and Capitaoism (2023). The Principle of Human Respect clarifies how we can work toward realizing greater value for everyone.
We have an opportunity here folks!
You likely already know I’m an optimist about future generations – but that I temper those expectations against the reality of the work that needs to be done.
Nondoing is distinct from doing nothing.
We have a lot of barriers to human flourishing that need to be ripped out.
I’ll be publishing each new oped and media appearance here, among other writing, and plan to grow the number of subscribers to this website along the way. Sharing my work and sending your feedback would be appreciated.
I haven’t invested much effort in growing this site or writing publicly over the past three years, instead choosing to prioritize a few new paths, and have largely remained silent throughout COVID and some significant life changes. This is a chance to bring up some of the important ideas that can help us create a better world for us and for future generations.
Lets have some fun.